Mike and I have both been self isolating . Mike has not stopped painting for one day of the lock down. We had / have paintings every where. Luckily the galleries are opening up and asking for more work to replace those they have sold online in lock down. However for any one wishing to purchase his work there are still 30 or so in our studio.We are asking people who would like to visit the studio to call and make an appointment so that we can plan social distancing.
I, On the other hand have made hardly any works in this time. Mainly because you can not lean ceramics against the wall! They take up quite a bit of space. I have got a couple of commissions which I am working on but neither are urgent so I can take my time.
I have also been very busy in the garden and we are now self sufficient on the lettuce front for some time. Strawberries are doing also doing well and I am looking forward to the runner beans
We lost a really beautiful tree to high wind a few of weeks ago. It has changed the feel of the garden. So that was a bit sad plus the frogs spawn we found in a puddle in March turned out to be toads!!!
Ah well